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Since club membership is limited, those who do not contribute or meet the club’s basic requirements including [$20 dues ($15 for returning members), attendance at meetings, working two civic events, one fund-raiser, and one social per semester] may be asked to resign. Every effort will be made to retain members and help them fulfill their duties. Special circumstances will be considered by the Board.



Each semester (first semester-August to December; second semester- January to May) four to five civic events will be planned. Each member is required to work two civic events per semester. It is your responsibility to fulfill this requirement and keep track of hours and events worked. The board will review membership requirements with anyone who does not honor the club’s commitment to community action.


Events are signed up for at the bi-weekly meetings and a respectable chairperson selected. The chairperson is responsible for emailing all the members that signed up for the event two days prior to the event as a reminder. Members are expected to return emails made by the board member as soon as possible to indicate their availability. Notify the board member no later than the day before, if you are unable to attend or your absence will be “unexcused”.

If a member signs up for an event and does not attend or find a replacement, we take away a civic event from their overall civic events count. This means you now have to participate in two events to make up for the one you skipped.

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